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In Search of a Pearl

I was talking with a colleague in her office the other day when we heard an “oh no!” from the hallway.  Upon investigation, we found a woman in the hall watching as the pearls scattered across the floor from her broken bracelet.  We all knew the pearls were not real, but, nonetheless all three of us began to scurry about searching for and retrieving the pearls so she could reconstruct her bracelet.  They were pretty easy to find… except one.  It eluded us and just happened to be the larger, center pearl in the bracelet.  We searched doorways and corners and under chairs.  We even recruited passersby to assist in the search.  All for naught, the pearl was not to be found.

We probably spent a good 20 minutes searching for the lost pearl.  There was disappointment in not finding it, but no one was devastated.  The pearl was not real, it was likely coated glass, and though pretty, not worth much more of our time.

As I returned to my office, I found myself contemplating the time we spend searching for things of little or great value.  Does our time spent searching match the value of the object itself?  What are we willing to do for it?

Blue Flower Pot and Pearls

Jesus told a parable in Matthew 13:45-46 about a Pearl of Great Price.  In the parable seeking heaven is compared to seeking beautiful pearls, and when finally found, the merchant sold all that he had in order to obtain it.  Are we willing to sell all we have to obtain what we most desire?

We can all find heaven if we seek it.  Matthew 7:7 tells us that if we seek, we will find.  And Jeremiah 29:13 and Deuteronomy 4:29 both promise, not that we will find heaven, but God Himself if we seek Him with all our heart and soul.

How much do we treasure God and His Kingdom?  How much do we treasure wisdom?  Are we willing to sell all we have in order to obtain it?  Are we willing to search with all our heart and soul?

If we are, we are promised that we will find God, the Kingdom, wisdom, treasures in heaven, and choice fruit that is better than gold (Proverbs 8:19).

But what is more profound than what we might find if we search is that God searched for us first.  We are His pearl of great price.  He “sold all He had” in the form of His only Son to bring us home.  We are God’s great treasure, a profound and life-changing truth.  In Ezekiel 34:11 He stated that He Himself would look for us.  “For thus says the Lord GOD, ‘Behold, I Myself will search for My sheep and seek them out.”  God.  The Creator of the ENTIRE UNIVERSE treasures you and I that much.  Wow.

Next time you lose your keys, your reading glasses, the fake pearl, remind yourself of your true treasure in heaven and how much you seek God and how much God sought you.  He gave His only Son to find you.  You are His great treasure for which He gave all to buy and bring home.  Never forget your worth.

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Originally posted on February 13, 2019 on

Therese Kay is an author and photographer residing in Massachusetts. She loves the contemplative practices of visio divina and contemplative photography. She often writes about and teaches them to others.

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