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Writing * Photography * Contemplation

Upcoming Launch of Meeting God through Art: Visio Divina

I am so excited to announce that I will soon be launching “Meeting God through Art: Visio Divina.  A Guided Prayer Journal using Images from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.”  It launches on August 15th and I am so excited!

This is the culmination of several months of work.  As I’ve been working on another project – a book about photography as worship – I learned quite a bit about Visio Divina (read more in this 3-part series).  As I did more research on Amazon, I discovered that there were lots of journals about lectio divina but there were none on visio divina!

I just finished learning some more InDesign in order to create the journal that accompanies Messages from God: An Illuminated Devotional so I’ve been eager to keep those skills sharp with another project.  So, I got busy and started curating images from the Metropolitan Museum of Art and designing away.

Now around this time, Sharon Brown asked me to be a beta reader for her soon-to-be-released novel “Shades of Light” – which just so happens to feature… visio divina!  WHAAT?!?! (As an added bonus, a couple of my photographs have been included as part of an exercise in the book!)

Sharon and I (unbeknownst to us) will actually be launching our books within days of each other and I couldn’t be more tickled!  She’s a wonderful and gifted writer and an even more dear friend.  College friends are some of the best friends!  We’ve joined each others launch teams, so it will be fun to cross-promote each other!

So, I’m just less than a month away from launch and I’m looking to build my launch team!  What is a launch team you ask?  It’s a team of people who commit to reading, reviewing, and sharing about the book through social media or word of mouth.  If you want to be part of something exciting, sign up here to be part of my launch team.  Sign ups end on Monday, July 22.  Those who sign up will get a few goodies as well as a free PDF of the book that they can read before the book officially launches on Amazon.

Here is a fun little video of my unveiling of the book:

Thanks for joining me on an exciting journey!  If you want to see other writing work I’ve done, go check out and follow my Amazon page!

Therese Kay is an author and photographer residing in Massachusetts. She loves the contemplative practices of visio divina and contemplative photography. She often writes about and teaches them to others.

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